Wednesday 10 February 2010

"its easy to quit smoking, i've done it thousands of times" - Mark Twain

According to those around Audrey Hepburn in the 50's she "chain smoked with ragged exhaustion" as far as i am concerned, Audrey Hepburn is one of the most beautiful women of the last centuary. If she chain smoked with such ragged exhaustion and yet retained her timeless beauty, then i think i may be sold.
In the 50's and 60's a women abusing her lips with a ciggerette was alluring, this decade smoking is becoming socially unacceptable. Thats why smokers are confined to the freezing outdoors to divulge their filthy delectable habit. Mostly, i blame the Daily Mail for this.
Yet, have you ever tried to quit smoking, i'm afraid i disagree with Mark Twain, its not easy, its hard, because when you've gained the 5 stone caused by the eating to replace the smoking, it becomes quite difficult to do anything, really.
Yes, i'm aware that in the UK 114,000 people die a year from smoking related diseases, but without attracting fierce criticism, every body will die of something. Personally i believe the bigwigs at the statistics offices should be thankful for its great English smokers, after all they do provide some juicy statistics.
So, like Audrey Hepburn and the other beauty's of the 50's and 60's i may light up in my desire for perfection and smoke with ragged exhaustion until i to have an ageless face and a glittering movie career.
Just for kicks, i'll even write a letter to the Daily Mail informing them of my decision, so they can add Audrey Hepburn to their list of things that cause cancer.

for more information regarding the Daily Mail's causes of cancer please visit -

1 comment:

  1. Nice article however i think u missed the point Mark twain was trying to make. He is emphasising that it is indeed hard to quit that's why he has tried a 'thousand' times.
