Friday 26 February 2010

"Trust me, i'm lying"

Truth is a difficult issue, after all who decides the truth? God? Government? Your parents? Yourself? Better yet who decides when the truth is deserved? When do little white lies become more serious?
Honest truthful confession - in the past month i have lied to work, i have lied to my mum and i have frequently lied to myself. But hey, maybe i'm lying to you.
Lately a few things have raised my eyebrows in regard to trust, did unknown being badder actually commit incest with his sister? How much did my boyfriends new jeans actually cost? Did my manager really damage his hand whilst working out, or whilst being naughty?
The biggest question - why do i deserve the truth from any of the people in my life? I'm taking honesty as a moral given when perhaps learning the truth from people is something to be earned. If so i deserve the receipt from my boyfriend but nobody else in above list.
Secondly. is the truth always for the best? If i know my friends are misguided over men should i honestly be up front about it? If i think a friends new boyfriend is a bit of a... should i tell her right away? If i catch somebody cheating who shouldn't be should i tell all involved what i know? Would i want every person in my life to be open and honest with me at all times, do i want to know every time i look a little fatter, rougher, if i'm misguided over someone even though the truth will break my heart?
Basically, sometimes its easier to lie, sometimes the truth is worse and everytime the truth must be deserved.

Thursday 25 February 2010

"A theif may pass for a gentleman if theiving has made him rich"

In response to the Meanderings of an undiagnosed schizophrenic found at and her post about theft in today's society and the idea of creating and living by your own morals. Here's what i have to say - i completely and one hundred percent agree with you. Aged fourteen my very naive teenage self sought her thrills allowing her friends to shoplift for her, my biggest regret is not that i dared to handle stolen property but that i was to afraid to steal it myself and instead allowed my friends to do my filthy sweet work for me.
I also confess to the following, just last week my boyfriend decided he was going to thieve a scarf from ASDA, just because they make it so god dammed easy to do, doth the lady protest? Slightly yes, but only when outside feeling much toastier thanks to my new snug scarf.
The week before a cream egg mysteriously apparated into my bag, without any money changing hands between myself and a shopkeeper.
Don't get me wrong on this one, i would never steal somebodies car, handbag, mobile phone or break into someones home for a little pick and mix, however, if by magic a shiny new eyeliner didn't make it through the ASDA self scan, if a nice looking pint glass was to disappear from a pub, or if i accidentally forgot (and i honestly mean accidentally) to pay for a meal at a restaurant and left without being questioned about it, i will not return with my head hanging to confess my sins.
I quite enjoy the thrill of being this particular version of bad, even if by mistake. I to also find myself sick of moral cliche, when i start to steal cars or raid jewelry shops, i will listen to the lectures and say no word in my own defence, but until then i will do the following, pilfer the odd bar of high calorie goodness from large money sucking supermarkets, make coffee mugs and pint glasses disappear from restaurants, never correct a cashier for giving me more change than i am entitled to and most of all i will enjoy my illegally downloaded films whilst eating chocolate mints i have robbed from work because its thrilling, its exciting and its just a little bad. These are my bitter sweet morals not those of a God i don't believe in and these are the ones i intend to live by.

Thursday 18 February 2010

"What is marriage but prostitution to one man, not many" - Angela Carter

According to the knowledge of Wikipedia, (which although best avoided sometimes throws up an interesting fact) "To prostitute" is Latin for "to expose" or more interestingly "put up front".
I'm quite pleased that several hundred of girls in every nightclub i visit have taken the advice to "put up front" although they are not being paid for it.
Which then begs the question, which is more sleazy and perverse - to prostitute yourself for money? Or to basically prostitute yourself for free after large amounts of alcohol/drugs/stupidity/desperation? After all i know many a female who regret a badly judged one night stand.
In the sex capitals of the world like Bangkok and Amsterdam brothels and "red light districts" sit side by side to retail areas of the cities. Nevada, America is the only state with the privilege of legal prostitution and brothels, here in the UK whilst the act of prostitution is not in fact illegal, to solicit or run a brothel is.
Prostitution is on the rise in the UK, especially in our current jobless climate as single mothers struggle to pay household bills and daily living costs. The sex industry boomed within the recent recession, with more men turning to sex lines to relieve daily stress and sales of x-rated DVD's and magazines on the rise, as well as online searches for "free porn". Good old Billie Piper is hardly helping, glamorising life as high class hooker Belle De Jour. Worse still, that the character isn't a character at all, but taken from the real life story of a high class hooker hiding under a glamours pseudonym.
However, with all that considered here is my genuine opinion, i know it will invoke a reaction.
UK Prostitution in the form of brothels should be legalised, women will continue to prostitute themselves whether it is legal or not, surely, legalising brothels with strict guidelines will help protect women from dangerous clients.
After all, i know, that in the darkest of circumstances, as a single mum with children to support, if i had to, i would.

For an glamorous look into the life of prostitution


For the truth

Wednesday 10 February 2010

"its easy to quit smoking, i've done it thousands of times" - Mark Twain

According to those around Audrey Hepburn in the 50's she "chain smoked with ragged exhaustion" as far as i am concerned, Audrey Hepburn is one of the most beautiful women of the last centuary. If she chain smoked with such ragged exhaustion and yet retained her timeless beauty, then i think i may be sold.
In the 50's and 60's a women abusing her lips with a ciggerette was alluring, this decade smoking is becoming socially unacceptable. Thats why smokers are confined to the freezing outdoors to divulge their filthy delectable habit. Mostly, i blame the Daily Mail for this.
Yet, have you ever tried to quit smoking, i'm afraid i disagree with Mark Twain, its not easy, its hard, because when you've gained the 5 stone caused by the eating to replace the smoking, it becomes quite difficult to do anything, really.
Yes, i'm aware that in the UK 114,000 people die a year from smoking related diseases, but without attracting fierce criticism, every body will die of something. Personally i believe the bigwigs at the statistics offices should be thankful for its great English smokers, after all they do provide some juicy statistics.
So, like Audrey Hepburn and the other beauty's of the 50's and 60's i may light up in my desire for perfection and smoke with ragged exhaustion until i to have an ageless face and a glittering movie career.
Just for kicks, i'll even write a letter to the Daily Mail informing them of my decision, so they can add Audrey Hepburn to their list of things that cause cancer.

for more information regarding the Daily Mail's causes of cancer please visit -

"A place where stars can feel like freaks, freaks can feel like stars. Thats why i put up the stripper pole" - Dave Navarro

Which is why a strip club is the perfect place for a trip into the tabboo. Because, firstly men rarely walk into the club looking proud at the thought of being there and secondly because the only women are usually on the pole, it makes it tabboo to be a customer not a dancer as a female.
Why are strip clubs considered so tabboo? The women who dance considered to be of lower class simply because of their profession after all "Your average teen star could go right on a strip stage without changing clothes," writer Lily Burana states. Surely this is a women in the know as a former stripper herself.
American ways are changing, women can unwind in a strip club as the social tabboo's loosen but over here in the UK, we have yet to see a large change, with Ladies Nights being advertised but with drag queens as apposed to the entertainment male customers recieve (The Jubile Club, Sunbury - on - Thames). Which is why we should give it a try after all, it is tabboo and therefore all the more intriguing.
As a women i want to assert my right to step into a place that formerly belonged to the male generation, not for sexual gratification but for empowerment; after all what could be more confidence boosting than seeing women who are unafraid of their own form. Sure, i have been offered and expierenced "pole dancing lessons" with a group of my peers, all female of course. However i'd like to see it set in the actual enviroment, i'd like to see the confidence exerted by the women being paid to do it, most of all, i'd like to walk in, head high without feeling smutty or ashamed and celebrate the women on stage who are unafraid of the label they are given for what they do. After all, backstage i'm sure they revert to normality.

(Picture courtesy of "Soho Archives" features women backstage at a strip club)